It supports built -in USB 2. Carefully hold this mainboard by its edges. Anonymous Aug 11, II Table of Contents Chapter 1: Join the community here.
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Please enter a valid email address. If you enable this item, your system will check all floppy disk drives at start up. Leave these items enabled since all the processors that can be installed on this board have internal L2 cache memory.

Yes, my password is: If you have two diskette drives installed and you enable this item, drive A becomes drive B and mw9158e B becomes drive A. This item determines if the Num Lock key is active or inactive at system startup time.

Your answer needs to include more details to help people. If you press Y, and then Enter, the Setup Utility loads a set of bestperformance default values.

Some Driving AGP cards need stronger than normal driving current in order to operate. You can install a 5. Anonymous Sep 01, Anonymous Oct 22, You must use an ATX power supply in order to use this feature. If you enable this item, system can Keyboard automatically resume ,s9158e pressing hot keys Power On Wake-Up Key on the keyboard or typing in the password. Posted on Apr 04, More Print this page Share this page. Anonymous Jul 17, When enabled, separate Interleave memory banks are set for odd and even addresses and the next byte of memory can be accessed while the current byte is being refreshed.

Load Optimal Settings If you vva this item and press Enter a dialog box appears. We strongly recommend users vgs install this free anti-virus software to help protect your system against viruses.

Not finding what you are looking for? TXT, or something similar. If you enable power management, you can use the items below to set the power management operation.

Operating instructions MATSONIC MS9158E+

Those jumpers mw9158e mainboard not appearing in this illustration are for testing only. Modem Device This item enables or disables the MC'97 modem chip. Take the following precautions while unpacking this mainboard and installing it in a system.

Carefully hold this mainboard by its edges. Use the items below this Second one to set the date and time of the wake-up alarm. When the Save and Exit dialog box appears, press Y to save and exit, or press N to exit without saving.

Anonymous Dec 05, How can this be resolved. It is highly recommended that users enter this option to load optimal values for accessing the best performance. T May 14, Then, the password is required for the access to the Setup Utility or for it at start-up, depending on the setting of the Password Check item in Advanced Setup. Posted by Himalaka on Jan 01, Power management Wake-up alarms CPU parameters mx9158e memory timing CPU and memory timing The firmware can also be used to set parameters for different processor clock speeds.


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