I like this driver a lot, its the first one that has managed to stay in the bag for more then 1 season. Feel wise they felt good and the face felt hot, but man did they hit low. Golfers with swing speeds in excess of mph will want to optimize their clubs with one of MacGregor's available standard specialty shafts. I was surprised to see them there, but he had them. GolfWRX - the world's largest and best online golf community. Posted 17 June - Posted 17 February -
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Posted 05 February - Remember me This is not recommended jacgregor shared computers. Feel wise they felt good and the face felt hot, but man did they hit low. Hit it right and the "BOOM" will grab attention from the other guys at the range. Love the ball flight and the distance isn't bad either.

Before sending me a message for help, please look at the website support section: I've forgotten my password. Subscribe to Our Newsletter Subscribe.

A more angled radius around the "eye" for that sweet, square look at address. The manufacturing headquarters for the company are located in Albany, Georgia. Nike Method Oven. I am quite partial to it.

MacGregor has a long held stake in the game with 59 Majors and 5 club makers having been inducted into the Club Makers Hall of Fame. These factors contribute maacgregor the accuracy of value information and should be factored into your assessment. Expert editorial reviews, breaking golf tour and industry news, what to play, how to play and where to play.

MacGregor V-foil Eye-o-matic M42 11 Degree Driver Regular Flex | eBay

I will probably have this club in my bag for years to come. Why are there no values shown for this golf club?

Advertise with us Privacy Terms. Please note, this does eyf-o-matic necessarily mean the golf club has no value! I used it for a long time and the shaft felt great at the time just wondering what all the specs were in numbers so I can compare, instead of going by feel, because the club hasn't been in one peice in a year or so.

Bakersfield, California Ebay ID: You currently have javascript disabled. I love the sound of this club!

I wanted to buy a decent driver without spending to much. And you can't beat the Graphite Design YS-6 shaft. Posted 05 March - I knew that the cheaper drivers at Big5 wouldn't cut it so I set out to buy a used driver on ebay.

Had both cc and cc heads and Madgregor could not get them off the ground, so I gave them up rather quickly. Posted 03 March - Posted 18 February - Golfers with swing speeds in excess of mph will want to optimize their clubs with one of MacGregor's available standard specialty shafts.

MacGregor M38 V-FOIL EYE-O-MATIC Drivers

The light weight and and precision engineered kick and flex of YS technology give golfers with swingspeeds of 80 mph - mph the ultimate combination of maximum distance and increased control. MacGregor Golf was founded eye-o-amtic and is the second oldest golf company in the United States. Said that some folks still wanted them even over the current MacTec stuff and that he could still get them.

Please re-enable javascript to access full functionality. Posted 17 June -


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