That's probably because the sales process for enterprise SSDs of this nature requires a lot of hands on work; natural considering a single order could easily surpass the tens of thousands of dollars. With the primary focus of the ioDrive Duo being speed, what better way than our first benchmark to let this dual-SSD stretch its legs? By listing the smaller transfer size you can, in effect, get much larger IOPS measurements from the drive…although it makes it difficult to compare against other manufacturers. Retrieved June 3, Another concern is how power requirements come into play, since Fusion-io mentions the drive will conform to the PCIe 2. In this trace we recorded 2,MB being written to the drive and 1,MB being read. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.
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While far from being an optimal enterprise-class test, it was interesting to see how the Fusion-io ioDrive Duo performed using CrystalDiskMark.

The heatsinks are setup that when installed in a server environment where air is pulled through the iodrife, they are all in-line to have air flow over the cooling fins. Our third real-life test covers disk activity in a gaming environment. Retrieved November 21, While these values are higher than the quoted 0.

Fusion-io ioDrive Duo Specifications: Archived from the original on April 5, By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. For the consumer or business user, trying to translate high random 4K write speeds into an everyday situation is pretty difficult.

The card is passively cooled, incorporating three black-finned heat sinks.

Dell 24X4P Fusion 1.2tb MLC SSD ioDrive Duo PCIe Solid State Drive

All articles with unsourced statements Articles with unsourced statements from September We also have a new enterprise trace that we'll roll out after the client-focused tests.

In JuneSanDisk announced its intentions to buy Fusion-io. Retrieved from " https: Write latency was excellent in our tests, measuring 0. Co-founders were David Flynn and Rick White. In February Fusion-io hired Apple Inc. Fusion-io called their architecture ioMemory.

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While not as big a jump in performance between single and striped as in previous traces, the drive still showed strong gains. Real-World Benchmarks If you are new to StorageReview, one thing we try to focus on is how any given drive might perform under real-world conditions. US Securities and Exchange Commission. Companies formerly listed on the New York Stock Exchange Companies based in Utah Computer storage companies Computer peripherals Solid-state computer storage media establishments in Utah initial public offerings.

Nevada Dll of State. Fusion-io has built an entire brand around speed - their ioDrive PCIe SSDs have long been touted as some of the fasted storage devices on the market.

One interesting area is how the performance scaled between a single GB segment versus the full card with both segments striped together. With almost all SSD manufacturers listing 4K-sector speeds on drives, it will be hard for a customer to cross-shop between drives when comparing 4K figures to byte.

By listing the smaller transfer size you can, in effect, get much larger IOPS measurements from the drive…although it makes it difficult to compare against other manufacturers. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Fusion-io ioDrive Duo Review (640GB)

For this reason we stuck with our 4K test versus changing the transfer size amount. This helps support the card in some mounting environments and gives it a nice finished appearance.

The Wall Street Journal. Archived from the original on As we mentioned at the beginning of the performance section, we split tests into single GB tests and GB striped tests for the ioDrive to show how it performs in both situations. In our gaming trace the ioDrive came in at the top and bottom depending on its configuration.

This page was last edited on 29 Septemberat The ioDrive Duo also performs extremely well in our real-world traces, handily beating other drives in striped mode in all but the HTPC trace.


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