Emaxx Motherboards 4 items found for " Emaxx " in Motherboards. Click Here to compare items! Emaxx Motherboards include a variety of features that enhance the performance of your computer in both computing and gaming. In earlier day, motherboards could hold very few components but nowadays the equipment is designed to boast an array of in-built features. The motherboard is a printed circuit board and is an essential part of the computer, connecting all peripherals and cables in its circuitry. AMD's Technology that monitors system operation and automatically adjusts CPU voltage and frequency for a cool and quiet environment. Capacitor with great tolerance for higher temperatures and perform better with higher frequencies and higher current than electrolytic capacitors. Uploader: Vudojind Date Added: 4 January 2013 File Size: 56.18 Mb Operating Systems: Windows NT/2000/XP/2003/2003/7/8/10 MacOS 10/X ...